Tibetan singing bowl are made from colourful recycled paper and contains a beautifully decorated singing bowl, wooden baton and a bowl pillow. These small singing bowls from Nepal are perfect for beginners but will be appreciated by many.Signing bolws have been used for well over 1500 years. Each bowl matches the symbol and colour of gift box which is made from handmade paper and includes a matching coloured pillow. Bowls are made from bell metal bronze and pure alloy of copper and tin.
When played, the sides and rim vibrate to produce sound; characterized by a base frequency and usually two audible harmonic overtones. This is an instrument which can benefit many by creating relaxation and focus. Singing bowls are used worldwide for meditation music, relaxation. They assist in personal well-being by a wide range of professionals including holistic teachers, musicians, spiritual, psychotherapists, therapists, cancer specialists, stress and meditation specialists.
ROOT CHARKA (Muladhara)
The Muladhara, or root chakra, represents our foundation. On the human body, it sits at the base of the spine and gives us the feeling of being grounded. When the root chakra is open, we feel confident in our ability to withstand challenges and stand on our own two feet. When it's blocked, we feel threatened, scattered energies, anxiety and even fear.
Represents: Safety, security, stability and foundation.
Location: Base of spine
Mantra: "I can't grow from an unsteady foundation."
Colour: Red
Element: Earth
Stone: Hematite, Fire Agate, Bloodstone, Black Tourmaline,
SACRAL CHAKRA (Swadhisthana)
The Swadhisthana, or sacral chakra, helps inform how we relate to our emotions and the emotions of others. It also governs creativity and sexual energy. Those with a blocked sacral chakra could feel a lack of control in their lives, lack of creativity, sexual dysfunction emotional isolation
Represents: Creativity and sexuality
Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel
Mantra: "I always honor others but not before myself."
Color: Orange
Element: Water
Stone: Tiger's Eye, Citrine, Carnelian, Moonstone and Coral
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
The third chakra, the solar plexus chakra, speaks to your ability to be confident and in control of your life. Think back to the last time you had butterflies or felt a pit in the stomach: That's the Manipura chakra at work. If your solar plexus chakra is blocked, a feeling of being overwhelmed or self-doubt may be present. You may be manipulative and misuse your power.
Represents: Self esteem, willpower, self-confidence, and self-esteem
Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area
Mantra: "Self-love starts when I accept all parts of myself."
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Stone: Amber, Malachite, Calcite, Citrine and Topaz
Heart Chakra (Anahata)
The Anahata, or heart chakra, is the bridge between the lower and the upper chakras. As the name suggests, this chakra can influence our ability to give and receive love. It this chakra is blocked you may have difficulty fully opening to the people in your life. May have difficultly in relationships and lack self discipline
Represents: Love, self love, relationships, and inner peace
Location: Center of chest, just above the heart
Mantra: "When I love myself, loving others comes easily."
Color: Green
Element: Air
Stone: Rose Quartz, Jade, Green Calcite and Green Tourmaline.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
The Vishuddha, or throat chakra, gives voice to the heart chakra and controls our ability to communicate our personal power. It allows us to express ourselves truly and clearly, to speak and communicate clearly and effectively. Someone with a blocked throat chakra will feel like they have trouble finding the words to say how they truly feel. Become shy or withdrawn, arrogant and have increased anxiety.
Represents: Communication
Location: Throat
Mantra: "I speak my truth, always."
Color: Light Blue/Turquoise
Element: Sound/Music
Stone: Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Blue Lace Agate and Turquoise
Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna)
Communion with the divine. The Anja, or third-eye chakra, controls our ability to see foresight and intuition. The third eye registers information beyond the surface level. Visions and intuitive moments are not uncommon for someone with an open third-eye chakra.
Represents: Intuition, imagination, and foresight
Location: Forehead between the eyes
Mantra: "I am open to exploring what cannot be seen."
Color: Dark Blue/Purple
Element: Light
Stone: Amethyst, Purple Fluorite, Lolite and Black Obsidian
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
The Sahasrara, or crown chakra, the highest chakra, sits at the crown of the head and represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually and a higher consciousness.
Represents: Divine connection and a state of higher consciousness
Location: The very top of the head
Lesson: "I am a vessel for love and light."
Color: Violet/White
Element: Divine Consciousness
Stone: Clear quartz, Selenite, Amethyst and Diamond